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Stormwater Management

Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts

Public education and outreach is a key component of stormwater management. Well-planned public education and outreach programs will support and help achieve the goals of the other minimum control measures. Personal and household decisions can have a large impact on stormwater. From car washing to laundry detergent, to dog walking, small alteration in daily activities can make a difference. Upper Southampton Township continues to take steps towards spreading awareness.

Please visit these sites for valuable information on water conservation:

The Water Conservation Guide

Water Conservation Tips

Stormwater is Everyone's Responsibility!

Did you know that the stormwater drains and inlets within your neighborhood have an important impact on the water quality of our streams?

Why? Because storm drains flow directly to nearby rivers and streams, not to wastewater treatment plants. Your city street is really like waterfront property and everything that rain washes off of your roof, yard, and driveway goes to the nearby water used for swimming, boating, and maybe even drinking. In addition, anything that is dumped into these drains, such as used motor oil, paint, or excess pesticides, goes directly into a local stream. Stenciling will remind everyone - homeowners, business owners, developers, and other citizens - not to dump anything into storm drains so we can protect our water from storm water pollution that may close beaches, cause unsightly weed and algae growth, and even kill fish!

 This pollution comes from where?

From all of us! Storm water picks up litter, yard waste, excess lawn fertilizers and pesticides, leaking oil on streets and parking lots, pet wastes in parks and on lawns, and dirt from construction sites. All together, this adds up to more pollution than industries make!

What can I do to help?

Never dump substances down a storm drain that you wouldn't swim in or drink. Spread this simple message to everyone you know. Other ways to help include:

  • Use less fertilizer on lawns
  • Recycle used oil
  • Pick up pet wastes
  • Dispose of household hazardous wastes responsibly

For more information check out The PA Department of Environmental Protection at

If you should witness or notice any illicit discharge, please complete this form and return it to Upper Southampton Township Building, 939 Street Road, Southampton, PA  18966 or email (Updated 9/15/22)

Guidelines for Maintaining Streams in your Community

MS-4 Storm Water Management Information/Permit - (For Public Comment)



MS-4  Storm Water Management Program Protocol - 4/5/2023 

MS-4  General Storm Water Awareness Training - Public Presentation - 4/11/2023

Note: Many of the sites listed in this document are not under the management or control of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and are not governed by the privacy or security policies of the Commonwealth. The following links are being provided because they have information or features that may be of benefit to MS4 permittees or other interested entities. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does not necessarily endorse the views expressed or the facts presented on the sites. The Commonwealth does not endorse any commercial products that may be advertised or available on the sites.


Begin at the general DEP website:

From the list of DEP Keywords, choose "Water Topics"; then the following subjects can be selected from the drop down list:

" Bureau of Watershed Management" to access information on County Conservation Districts, Growing Greener, Watersheds, TMDLs, and other various water related topics.

Information on the PA Bulletin, PA Codes, and other public participation topics.

The current DEP MS4 Protocol (3900-PM-WM0100h)

Pennsylvania's 2018 Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report


The EPA MS4 regulations can be viewed at 40 CFR Part 122: EPA Administered Permit Programs:

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (start at 122.26; small MS4 info at 122.34)

For an explanation of the Phase II Storm Water Regulations found at 40 CFR Part 122, including the history and rationale behind the MS4 regulations, go to the December 8, 1999 Federal Register and select vol. 64, then enter page number 68722 and hit "submit". It is informative and recommended reading for MS4 permittees.

For further EPA MS4/SW information and resources, begin at the general EPA website:

Under the "Quick Finder" section, select " Water"; this will bring you to various EPA water subtopics, or, you can select "Surf Your Watershed" to locate your watershed. The left hand column of this site lists " Adopt Your Watershed" and this site has educational, volunteer and other watershed information.

Under "Browse these EPA Water subtopics", some useful sites include:

1. Select " Stormwater", then select

a. "NPDES: Storm Water Program" for useful storm water information and links, including:

Storm Water Outreach Materials and Reference Documents;

National Menu of Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs);

Storm Water Case Studies;

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Guidance Manual;

Measurable Goals Guidance for Small MS4s

b. "NPDES" for an overview of the NPDES Permit Program, for information on Urban BMPs and Stormwater Retrofit Practices, and to access Storm Water Webcasts (archived & future). Under " Stormwater Qualifying Local Programs", there is information on numerous topics, including:

"Economic Analysis of the Final Phase II SW Rule (by chapter & appendix)"

"Guidance for Municipal Stormwater Funding"

2. Select "Water Pollution", then " Non-point Sources", then

· A kid's page

For environmental finance programs, click here

For EPA MS4 Fact Sheets, click here

Examples of specific EPA storm water educational materials (some in Spanish also) available at Storm Water Outreach Materials and Reference Documents:

"Water Conservation Throughout the Home" - Helpful ideas for residents and troops earning their "Go Green" badges

Examples of specific EPA storm water information available at National Menu of Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs):

Developing an Outreach Strategy

Classroom Education on Stormwater

Storm Water Outreach for Commercial Businesses

Using the Media

Educational Displays, Pamphlets, Booklets, and Bill Inserts

Promotional Giveaways

Stormwater Outreach Materials

Landscaping and Lawn Care

Pest Control, Pet Waste Management

Residential Car Washing

Water Conservation Practices for Homeowners

Automobile Maintenance

Pollution Prevention for Businesses

Promoting Low Impact Development

Adopt-A-Stream Programs

Storm Drain Marking

Stream Cleanup and Monitoring, Volunteer Monitoring

Attitude Surveys

Trash Management

Community Hotlines

Municipal Construction Inspection Program

Post-construction Plan Review

BMP Inspection and Maintenance

Low Impact Development and Other Green Design Strategies

Municipal Employee Education and Training

Spill Response and Prevention

Municipal Facilities Management

Storm Drain System Cleaning, Parking Lot and Street Cleaning, Municipal Vehicle Fueling

Road Salt Application and Storage, Municipal Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance and Washing


The Center for Watershed Protection has an IDD&E Manual and many other educational resources and links.

The Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers has information on funding sources for watershed groups, finding a local watershed group, and other watershed information.

Access to online environmental resources is available here.

The Environmental Directory calls itself the earth's biggest environmental search engine.

This National Resources Defense Council site documents some of the most effective strategies being employed by communities around the country to control urban runoff pollution.

The Pennsylvania Environmental Council has general information, resources, and links for storm water issues.

The Pennsylvania Resources Council is a citizen action environmental organization and has information on rain barrels.

The Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership has information on storm water BMPs, education, databases, references, outreach, and the 2007 Pennsylvania Storm Water Management Symposium.

Advanced Stormwater Information Systems has storm water management software products and tools for MS4s.

The Stroud Water Research Center conducts water research and provides educational opportunities and information.

A study of regionalization efforts for controlling storm water pollution in Maine may be of benefit to MS4s.

Information on stormwater program funding:

The National Association of Flood & Storm Water Management Agencies has produced a guidance document for municipal storm water funding.

The University of Maryland, Environmental Finance Center.

An internet guide to financing stormwater management is available here.

Natural Resources Defense Council. Funding and Gaining Support for Stormwater Programs.

Kasperson, J. 2000. The Stormwater Utility, Will it Work in Your Community? Stormwater 1(1).

EPA information is available here.

EPA's Watershed Academy has added a new online training module on Developing a Sustainable Finance Plan. The training module is designed to help watershed organizations develop and implement sustainable funding plans. Case studies are included throughout the module to provide real examples of finance strategies employed by nonprofit watershed organizations in the U.S.

Local grant opportunities and contacts to help property owners and municipalities develop a financing strategy for storm water management and infrastructure improvements, including retrofit and demonstration projects:

The National Fish & Wildlife Foundation provides special grant programs, Delaware Estuary Grants and Five Star Restoration Grants; phone = 202-857-0166.

US Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service; phone = 717-237-2215

The League of Woman Voters' Water Resources Education Network (WREN) provides information on resources and grants.

TreeVitalize (A partnership to restore tree cover in Southeast PA).

Planning Commissions can be viewed for Act 167 Plan and other useful information:

Bucks County Planning Commission

Delaware County Planning Department

Montgomery County Planning Commission

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

MCMs 1 & 2 - Public Education, Outreach, Involvement and Participation:

MCM #1 of the 2023 Annual Report:  Rain Gardens, A How to Manual for Homeowners.  Click here

The PADEP MS4 information resource CD

EPA resources: Fact sheets, a Toolbox with a variety of resources to help develop an effective and targeted outreach campaign is available here; an educational resource for kids, students, high school and teachers is available here; overviews of MCM #1; info on attitude surveys

Click here for a guide to help government officials communicate clearly to the public.

The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission has a learning center and educational information.

The National Association of Flood and Storm Water Management Agencies has storm water education and guidance for municipal storm water funding.

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary provides educational and outreach resources, including information for children, teachers, communities and volunteers.

The Philadelphia Water Department, Office of Watersheds, has developed a useful "Homeowner's Guide to Storm Water Management" which is available here.

Pennsylvania Cleanways provides information and education on stream/litter cleanup programs.

Storm drain stenciling resources (in English and Spanish) are available from C&R Stencils; storm drain markers are available from Almetek Industries; the Southeastern PA Resource Conservation & Development Council also has resources available, including stream signage resources.

The Air & Waste Management Association's Environmental Education Council has classroom lesson plans for non-point source pollution prevention for K-12.

Green Treks provides watershed and educational resources here; Environmental Advisory Council information, resources and links here; and videos on storm water Best Management Practices.

The California Stormwater Quality Association has developed an Industrial and Commercial Handbook that provides general guidance for selecting and implementing BMPs to reduce the discharge of pollutants in runoff from industrial facilities and selected commercial businesses.

Local watershed groups can be a valuable resource for public education and participation:

The Brandywine Valley Association

The White Clay Creek Watershed Management Committee

The Chester, Ridley, Crum Watersheds Association

The Darby Creek Valley Association

The Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy

MCM 3 - Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination:

EPA's fact sheet and an overview for MCM #3.

Virginia Tech's Center for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and Watershed Studies has developed an online database to house selected TMDL-related information and documents in one central location. The searchable clearinghouse contains three types of resources: TMDL guidance documents, reviews and summaries of TMDL-related technical and trade literature, and state-by-state summaries of TMDL programs across the nation. State summaries are updated regularly for all 50 states and include the approach and methodology used to develop TMDLs in that state. In total, about 500 documents are available within this database.

MCMs 4 & 5 - Erosion & Sediment Control and Post-Construction SW Management

EPA's fact sheets for MCM #4 and MCM #5; and an overview of

MCM #5; Smart Growth information, Green Infrastructure information.

The Pennsylvania Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual.

The Center for Watershed Protection offers MS4 communities a lot of storm water management resources and information, especially for MCM #5 issues. Their 2007 Urban Sub-watershed Restoration Manual No. 3: Urban Stormwater Retrofit Practices is a free download and focuses on retrofit practices that capture and treat stormwater runoff before it is delivered to a water body. It describes both off-site and on-site retrofit techniques that can be used to remove pollutants, minimize channel erosion, and help restore stream hydrology. Their 2000 National Pollutant Removal Performance Database for Stormwater Treatment Practices contains summaries of more than 135 urban pollutant removal monitoring studies. Their 1997 report on The Economics of Stormwater BMPs in the Mid-Atlantic Region presents cost data for urban stormwater practices, updates BMP cost prediction equations, and assesses the cost effectiveness of the BMPs most commonly used in the Mid-Atlantic region.

The Center for Watershed Protection's Stormwater Manager's Resource Center, Environmental Indicator Profile Sheet: BMP Performance Monitoring.

The University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center and NEMO (Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials) have launched the Innovative Stormwater Inventory web site. This searchable and amendable inventory is designed to highlight innovative BMP strategies implemented throughout New England.

The California Stormwater Quality Association has developed a New Development and Redevelopment handbook that provides general guidance for selecting and implementing BMPs to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. The handbook contains general information on planning and design concepts, source control and treatment control BMPs, and information on long-term maintenance of BMPs.

The Northern Virginia Regional Commission has developed a guidebook for private owners and operators of storm water BMPs. This publication is designed for individual property owners, homeowner's association representatives, and residential/commercial property managers. The guidebook outlines basic maintenance and planning tasks to keep Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) functioning properly, including information on types of BMPs, general maintenance needs, who should carry out maintenance, inspections, and planning for BMP maintenance costs. The guide also contains a sample inspection checklist, a BMP maintenance costs planning sheet, and a local government resource guide. 2007; 38 pages.

The Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts provides E&S, BMP, and educational resources.

The Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center has information on low impact development, a storm water construction industry poster, and SW BMP information and research.

The Low Impact Development Center provides information on low impact development, including urban design tools for retrofits and new/re-development.

The International Stormwater BMP Database provides information on the design, selection and performance of SW BMPs.

The International Erosion Control Association provides educational and resource information.

The National Resources Defense Council provides information and case studies on green infrastructure alternatives to traditional hardscape solutions to wet weather discharge problems.

The Water Environment Research Federation recently unveiled a new Web site that gives landscape architects, designers, engineers, stormwater managers, elected officials and the public creative new ideas on sustainable stormwater practices. The site provides practical tools, frameworks for implementation and planning aids that can be adapted to any community or project.

The University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center 2007 Annual Report is now available online. Produced in partnership with the Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET), this publication contains performance data on the ability of stormwater treatment systems to treat water quality and manage water quantity.

The Planner's Guide to Wetland Buffers for Local Governments, from the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), identifies both the state-of-the-art and the range of current practice in protection of wetland buffers by local governments. The guide book presents ELI's detailed examination of more than 50 enacted wetland buffer ordinances around the nation and nine model ordinances, as well as several hundred scientific studies and analyses of buffer performance. The Guide provides to local governments considering enacting or amending a wetland buffer ordinance what they need to know to manage land use and development in these important areas.

MCM 6 - Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations:

EPA's fact sheet and overview for MCM #6.

The California Stormwater Quality Association has developed a Municipal Handbook that provides general guidance for selecting and implementing BMPs to reduce pollutants in runoff from municipal operations.

The Center for Watershed Protection has information and resources for Municipal Housekeeping.